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A beautiful 30 minute drive through the foothills north of Fort Collins.
Take US 287 approximately 20 miles north (1.4 miles beyond the Forks Restaurant)
Left on County Road 76H
Head west 3/4 mile. The driveway is on the left. A sign says Phantom Canyon Ranch and Pottery, Open Today.
Judson Pottery showroom at Phantom Canyon Ranch, Livermore, Colorado
Open year-round. If we're not there, it's self-serve on the honor system.
"Most people think that a sculptor or a painter
Is something more excellent to be than a potter.
Most people think of china or porcelain
As merely for use, or for decoration—
In either case, an inferior art.
For me, they are neither “use” nor “decoration”—
That is, decoration as a background for living;
For me, they are life itself. To be among such things,
If it is an escape, it is escape into living."
T.S. Eliot, in The Confidential Clerk