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2025 Valentine's Day 2nds Sale
One Half Off -- Save 50%!
SATURDAY, February 8th, 1 - 4 PM
SUNDAY, February 9th, 1 - 4 PM
Don't forget to ask for your FREE handmade porcelain heart with every sale!
At the Pottery / Phantom Canyon Ranch / Livermore, Colorado
...for more details...
Call Carl or Sarah 970-217-5759
Phantom Canyon Ranch
At its fullest extent, historic Phantom Canyon Ranch incorporated more than 92,000 acres over 140 square miles. Its summer pastures in the mountains to the west extended almost from the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park on the south to near the Wyoming border on the north. The Judson Family moved here in 1977. The Judsons managed Phantom Canyon Ranch and oversaw its evolution into one of the best-known land conservation projects in the West. When the Judson Family moved here, from the Fort Collins area they brought their existing pottery operation with them. The pottery studio is located in the old ‘Morgan Barn’.